Category: 54F

Five for Friday - 5 ways to stand up against racism and injustice

Home / COVID-19 / [wpbb post:title] Dear Friends in the Cholangiocarcinoma Community, Five for Friday was created as a way…

Five for Friday - Get moving safely now that restrictions are being lifted

Home / COVID-19 / [wpbb post:title] Dear Friends in the Cholangiocarcinoma Community, Each week, we're going to offer five ways…

Five for Friday - Getting Involved with Research (from Home!)

Home / COVID-19 / [wpbb post:title] Dear Friends in the Cholangiocarcinoma Community, Each week, we're going to offer five ways…

Five for Friday - Dealing with Financial Worries

Home / COVID-19 / [wpbb post:title] Dear Friends in the Cholangiocarcinoma Community, Each week, we're going to offer five ways…

Five for Friday - Grocery Shopping

Home / COVID-19 / [wpbb post:title] Dear Friends in the Cholangiocarcinoma Community, Each week, we're going to offer five ways…

Five for Friday - Working from Home

Home / COVID-19 / [wpbb post:title] Dear Friends in the Cholangiocarcinoma Community, Each week, we're going to offer five ways…

Five for Friday - Benefits of Volunteering

Home / COVID-19 / [wpbb post:title] Dear Friends in the Cholangiocarcinoma Community, Each week, we're going to offer five ways…

Five for Friday - Healthy Daily Practices

Home / COVID-19 / [wpbb post:title] Dear Friends in the Cholangiocarcinoma Community, Each week, we're going to offer five ways…

Five for Friday - Maintain a Healthy Mind

Home / COVID-19 / [wpbb post:title] Dear Friends in the Cholangiocarcinoma Community, Each week, we're going to offer five ways…

The Beginning

Around 9 o’clock on a Saturday night in January 2017, I heard weird noises in the bathroom. I opened the…