Category: Blog Post

Initiative to Map the Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) Landscape in Europe Will Help Improve Patient Outcomes

Scientists advocate for education programs to raise awareness and improve early diagnosis, survival, and quality of life of CCA patients…

9th Annual Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation Conference features expert speakers, 40 poster presentations from around the world

The 9th Annual Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation Conference begins on Wednesday, Feb. 23rd, and takes place at the Salt Palace Convention Center.…

Letter to the editor: Learn about bile duct cancer

February is Cholangiocarcinoma Awareness Month. Never heard of cholangiocarcinoma? You're not alone. Also known as bile duct cancer, this devastating…

Five for Friday – 5 ways you can put your advocacy to work for World CCA Day

Home / Blog / [wpbb post:title] World CCA Day is an international effort to raise much-needed awareness of bile duct…

Webinar: Elevating Precision Medicine to the Forefront of Every Cancer Journey to Deliver the Right Medicine to the Right Patient

Cancer behaves differently in each person, and there is no one-size-fits-all treatment. Precision medicine makes cancer diagnosis more accurate and…

Five for Friday – 5 Cholangiocarcinoma Educational Videos

Home / Blog / [wpbb post:title] Happy Cholangiocarcinoma Awareness Month! The Foundation co-founded the steering committee of the Global Cholangiocarcinoma…

Five for Friday – 5 ways you can get involved in Cholangiocarcinoma Awareness Month

Home / Blog / [wpbb post:title] In February, the Foundation invites everyone to participate in Cholangiocarcinoma Awareness Month, with February…

Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation congratulates AstraZeneca TOPAZ-1, the first Phase III trial to show adding immunotherapy to standard chemotherapy can increase overall survival in advanced biliary tract cancer

On behalf of patients and families impacted by cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer), the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation congratulates AstraZeneca and its positive…

Five for Friday – 5 takeaways from GI ASCO 2022

Home / Blog / [wpbb post:title] The American Society of Clinical Oncology Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium (GI ASCO) is an annual…

Volunteers make big strides with raising awareness, funding research for the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation

In 2021, volunteers for the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation (Foundation) made big strides in raising awareness and funding research to render the…

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