Category: Blog Post

🤚🏻 Five for Friday – Clinical trials are essential to the cholangiocarcinoma community

Home / Blog / [wpbb post:title] In many cases, they can save lives. Finding the right clinical trial for YOU…

🤚🏻 Five for Friday – 5 Resources for support, coping with the fear of recurrence

Home / Blog / [wpbb post:title] For cancer survivors, fear of cancer coming back after treatment, often referred to as…

🤚🏻 Five for Friday – Five ways to use Recite Me

Home / Blog / [wpbb post:title] Did you know the CCF website has language, translation and accessibility options available? Recite…

CCF Community Fundraisers Spring 2023 Highlights

Spring of 2023 saw a variety of unique and successful Community Fundraising events benefiting the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation's research and patient…

🤚🏻 Five for Friday – CholangioConnect Celebrates its 6th Anniversary and 1000th Match

Home / Blog / [wpbb post:title] It has been said that mentors are people who allow others to see the…

Scientific Update - Development of a Fluorescence-Based Probe to Facilitate Cholangiocarcinoma Resection and Diagnosis

Kelly Butler Some early-stage cholangiocarcinomas can be surgically removed, but detecting microscopic cancer cells remains a significant challenge. Even just…

🤚🏻 Five for Friday – Five CCF Programs

Home / Blog / [wpbb post:title] The generosity of donors has assisted us in advancing research in impactful ways and…

Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation Celebrates Major Milestone in Connecting Patients and Caregivers to Mentorship Program

The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation is celebrating the 1,000th mentor-mentee match and six years of their mentoring program CholangioConnect. CCF, a nonprofit…

🤚🏻 Five for Friday – Five ASCO 2023 Highlights

Home / Blog / [wpbb post:title] The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting took place in Chicago the first…

An Inspiring Visit To California

Along with hundreds of family and friends (many of them talented musicians), I recently had the privilege to participate in…

Patty Maxin's CholangioConnect Experience

As I reflect upon the inception of CholangioConnect, a myriad of emotions flood my being.  Unequivocally, I recognize that being…

🤚🏻 Five for Friday – Five reasons to participate in Moving for the Cure

Home / Blog / [wpbb post:title] Get ready to lace up your sneakers, stretch those muscles, and join us for…

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