Category: News

Whispers Over My Shoulder

When I interviewed for my current post as a first-time consultant in medical oncology in the United Kingdom, I was asked…

Five for Friday – 5 Recent News Articles

Home / Blog / [wpbb post:title] If you have something you'd like to share, please reach out to Allison Deragon…

Five for Friday – 5 ways to get 'Moving for the Cure'

Home / Blog / [wpbb post:title] Join CCF's 2nd Annual Moving for the Cure! Enjoy any activity, anywhere, and raise money…

Five for Friday – Five events that the cholangiocarcinoma community has put together

Home / Blog / [wpbb post:title] This week, we are featuring five (5) events that the cholangiocarcinoma community has put together…

Journey of Hope: Day 42

Home / JoH Blog / [wpbb post:title] On May 19th when Linda and I were flying to Salt Lake City…

Journey of Hope: Day 41

Home / JoH Blog / [wpbb post:title] Well, here I am on the eve of the conclusion of my 15,000…

Journey of Hope: Day 40

Home / JoH Blog / [wpbb post:title] Another milestone hit today: 48 states visited, and on schedule! 198 more miles…

Journey of Hope: Day 39

Home / JoH Blog / [wpbb post:title] The day started with a surprise, and ended with "It wasn't the curves.…

Journey of Hope: Day 38

Home / JoH Blog / [wpbb post:title] I can now "check the box" for visits to towns named Hope, and…

Journey of Hope: Day 37

Home / JoH Blog / [wpbb post:title] It's amazing what you can see and learn, on a single day, as…

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