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  • in reply to: Liver transplantation for cholangiocarcinoma #89960

    Thanks for that Marion.


    Thanks for that Marion and yes, glad this was a free one so we can publish it. For those of you who do not know, there are many articles that we can not publish due to copyright reasons and the ones we link here on the site we are allowed to publish. But, thanks to Duke’s incredibly generous donation to the Foundation we will be able to purchase some articles in the future that we think are worth paying for.

    As always, Chuck was always thinking of everyone else going through this, what a guy! Thank you Chuck.

    Hugs to all,


    in reply to: Internal bleeding, is this related? #89269

    Great news Ali, thanks for sharing that with us all. Hoping that you and Rob hear more good nes from the upcoming scan and visit with the onc. Please keep us posted on this.



    in reply to: Cholangiocarcinoma diagnosis #89823

    Hi Bridgette,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here but glad that you have joined as you are in the best place for support and help and will get loads of both from everyone here. My congratulations to you and such a successful outcome, that is great news indeed!

    I do hope that you keep on coming back here and join in with us all as you are most welcome here and I look forward to hearing much more from you as well.



    in reply to: Update #89216

    Dear Chuck’s sister,

    My thoughts are with you and all of your family at this time right now. As Marion has said to you, Chuck meant so very much to everyone here on the site and touched so many people around the world as well. He will be so very very sorely missed by so many people and please know that we are all here for you and all of your family as well.




    Thanks so much for posting this Marion.

    So very sorry to hear this news of Duke’s passing, horrible. Even though we expected it and knew this was coming it is a horrible day just as it is when we lose anyone from our family.

    To Aimee and Duke’s family, please know that my thoughts are with you all right now and please accept my sincere condolences. Duke was a true gent, a gem and he will be sorely missed by so many, many people. So keen to help others in their fight as well and at the same time share a joke with us all and bring a smile to many faces worldwide. He will be sorely missed and never forgotten.

    And yes Marion, we so will carry out Duke’s wishes with his so very generous donation to the Foundation by purchasing and publishing the articles that we cannot currently do so that will be of great help to so many people here.

    My thoughts are with Aimee and Duke’s family right now.

    Much love and Hugs to all,


    in reply to: 18 month scans are clear #89820

    Excellent news Greg, thanks loads for sharing that with us all! Keeping fingers crossed for more success for you as well!

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: Intro uk #89402

    Hi John,

    Real sorry to hear this latest news from you I so hope that your gp can indeed get you moved up the queue for the epidural and get this done asap. And I so agee with Marion’s suggestion about getting your son to reach out to the professors that she mentions in the above post. Please know that we are all here for you John and will help if we can, and keep us updated on everything if you can.

    Thinking of you right now.



    Thanks for that Marion, great link.

    in reply to: The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation and You #89811

    Brilliant stuff Marion! Thanks for posting this and so many major achievements in there with so much still to do though, and we will get there as I keep saying!

    You want me to copy and post your message here and put it on the FB page as well? Was going to just do that but thought I would ask first in case you wanted it just on the boards.

    3526 registered members of the boards as well and as off today, 96588 posts as well. Well 96589 after this one!

    Hugs and so many many thanks to everyone!


    in reply to: Intro uk #89395

    Hi John,

    Good to hear from you again and thanks loads for your update. If the contrast has freed up your trapped nerve then that is good, trapped nerves can be very sore can’t they and lets hope that there is no more pain from that as you have enough on your plate right now to deal with,

    Am keeping my fingers crossed for you for some good news from your scans and the MDT meeting on Monday and please let us all know how that goes for you and what they say etc. Please try not to focus on the CA 19-9 levels too much right now.

    Loads of positive thoughts are coming your way John and please know that we are all here for you and rooting for you as well.

    My best wishes to you,



    Wow!! Thanks for letting us know about that Marion, superb news indeed!! And exciting as you say! Can’t wait to see what the official list will show later in the year, not that far away now is it!

    Thanks and hugs to everyone!


    in reply to: Internal bleeding, is this related? #89266

    More great news tonight, thanks for that Ali!! Hoping like you say that things do get quieter and no doubt you are so looking forward to visiting too!



    in reply to: My wee dad #88123

    Hi Carol,

    Please feel free to rant away here as much as you want to as we so know what you are going through right now and how you feel as well. Please trust me though when I say to you that it does get easier but it does take time. It took me ages to get my head around the fact that my dad was gone as well and you never forget but it does get easier with time. As Lainy says, the good memories will come back and hopefully they will help ease the pain that you feel.

    Big hug for you,


    in reply to: 5 Years and Still Going! #89795

    Hi Kathy,

    More great news tonight from you, excellent!! And here is to the next 5 years, and the next and the next and so on!!!



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