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  • in reply to: Hi – new to the site. Just likely diagnosed with IHC #93022

    Brian and Barbara, sorry to hear you are dealing with an uncertain diagnosis, on a positive note, early stage diagnosis is difficult, but also is curable. Your cancer is not so advanced that it is obvious, consider yourself fortunate, Be vigilant and seek answers. I wish you the best possible outcome, you are a prime candidate, remain positive, Pat

    in reply to: No jaundice #92514

    Daisy, everyone is a bit different but some become jaundiced and some do not, some peoples kidneys can keep up removing bile ( bilirubin ) from the bloodstream while others can not, therefor they become yellow colored in the eyes, skin, Urine is dark yellow orange when bilirubin is present . I believe this is what occurs from my observations and reading here.

    in reply to: Ten years ago today #91345

    Oh Matt, yes, what a wonderful anniversary to be blessed with. Actually I am four days shy of ten and a half years if we are counting. I am hoping for others to come along. I read too much about things NOT going well, and it is hard to be the lucky guy sometimes, survivor guilt or whatever, it is a sweet sorrow to share it but yes, I have beaten it til now. Nothing but blood draws and scans. I am happy to say at ten and a half years past surgery I was able to celebrate my sixtieth birthday in April ! How about that? No midlife crisis here, more please….. keep them coming…Ha! Pat

    in reply to: The war is nearly over #92402

    Dear Sandie, I have read your posts over the years, and you have always been a special survivor, and you lived life, and took vacations and made every day count. That is what you must continue Sandie, don’t count the days, make the days count. May god continue to bless you, Pat

    in reply to: It’s back! Cholangiocarcinoma #91194

    Brigette, I am sorry how upsetting everything has been, I hope all goes well with your upcoming scan, take that wonderful dog for a walk on a pretty spring day, and try to be as upbeat as he / she is and live for the moment. Take that lab to the water with a tennis ball and all fun breaks loose. I wish you the best, Pat


    Dear Elizabeth, first, I am sorry in so many ways for how everything went. This is an older person’s cancer is what I was told, and 28 is certainly way too young. My path was very different, and my lucky breaks came one after another, I live in Cleveland, good for hospitals, bad for sports franchises, I was lucky to be referred to a surgeon who was one of the best, late in his career, had written 11 books on liver surgery and transplant. He was very good, I could understand him when he spoke, My hilar cc was found early, with a tumor that formed and grew in a very unusual way. It created a back up of bile in the left side of my liver. This makes the liver degrade and become “sick” , discolored and mushy. The assistant surgeon , a resident I assume, told me the left half of my liver appeared this way. One of my lucky breaks was to only travel less than twenty miles to get to the hospital or to see a doctor. Alaska is beautiful, and he must have seen a lot of beautiful things to talk about at the end of each day. I am also sorry you only had 4 months. Most stories don’t go like mine, I was 49 and I healed well, experienced minimal pain, and I remember hating sleeping on my back for weeks, and how nice it was to sleep on my stomach again. You are right, a skilled hand is everything, and now, a little more than ten years past surgery, I am doing well, and for the most part sans a big scar that looks like the mercedes star, You would not know anything happened here. Once again, I am sorry for the loss of your Partner, God bless ,Pat

    in reply to: physical restrictions with port a cath #91856

    Scott, I know about doing what we love to do, in spite of health issues, it is not the port that may slow you down the most, you may feel less active when they begin to use it. Doing what you love is key, it is what defines us. I would suggest an electric winch for the boat trailer with remote, a log splitter and a wheeled cart for split wood, and perhaps a snow blower. It’s not about exercise, it’s about stamina and energy to go do things. If you don’t feel like opening the laptop, you might not feel up to shoveling the drive either. Staying active is part of your great attitude, you are driven and motivated to move ahead, I admire and agree with that, however I would try to anticipate the fatigue the medications may cause. I use all of these items and still get a decent amount of exercise from them. good luck and keep moving, Pat

    in reply to: My Introduction #80484

    Matt, congratulations on your great results. You have had such a ride and have come a long way, good for you, your guardian angel is doing great work, god bless you and your family, Pat

    in reply to: Sad News #91717

    Dear Nancy, I was shocked to read about the return of Ron’s cancer and even more of his passing. It has helped me to realize you cannot be too cavalier about this terrible cancer. Ron knew that seven years is more than many have gotten, I am so sorry to hear his fight is over. God bless you and all of Ron’s family, Pat


    HI everyone, I have been around here a while, I try to be positive, and not dwell on that which irritates me, but here I go… I hate the commercials that are for a cancer hospital that seems to feed on those with little hope, If you do go to their website which boasts “look at our survival statistics ” well yes, only for select cancers, not all. The highly advertised cancer hospital that seems more profitable than insurance. They have their own cable channel on my carrier and it just seems wrong or upsetting to me this never ending infomercial, some things don’t need to be sold, if you are that good, people will seek YOU out. There, I feel better now, I like this thread, Pat

    in reply to: My husband’s liver resection and recovery #91304

    Lisa, I am sorry your husband is so uncomfortable. The emotions and crying happen, I don’t know if it is the pain medication or what but I was teary and cried while in the hospital and thereafter, perhaps it is the thoughts of our mortality that touch such a deep feelings, I never cried for anything before that…Maybe I had never had anything to cry about before that. Focus on healing and eating if he can, It sounds like the surgery was a bit more aggressive than mine was, try to make him smile when you can, remain positive and I am thinking of and praying for you both, God bless, Pat

    in reply to: Open liver surgery to get biopsy? #91197

    Hello grsharp, I believe when they did my surgery they have a nurse waiting for the removal of the tumor to hand deliver it to the pathology lab while the operation is underway, I believe they decide how much liver to remove at the time the pathology results are sent back, which is right away of course. they remove the gall bladder, and nearby lymph also at this time, good luck, Pat

    in reply to: Introduction #91219

    Hello Holly, I am sorry to hear you are one of us, but welcome, You have lived about as good a start as one can ask for. I hope and pray for your continued success. God bless, Pat

    in reply to: Starting the fight again #91142

    Oh Kris, I have thought about having to start fighting again, and I am sorry You are having to, I hope all goes well today, I hope your doctor has a plan for you, God bless, Pat

    in reply to: My Introduction #90994

    Hello Jack, I wish your wife the best on her scan, I hope all goes well, Pat

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