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  • in reply to: PET vs MRI ? #34247

    Last time I went in for an MRI I panicked after about 20 minutes. I wonder now if I should ask for another MRI and a sedative to go with it? We’ve been sticking with CT scans, and like other people have mentioned, my tumor really doesn’t show up very well. However, the cancer in the lungs does show up like snow on a dark night :(

    in reply to: changing the stents!! #34107

    My doctor is going to try to insert the metal mesh stent. It depends a lot on the size of the bile ducts and how much the cancer has infiltrated and sqeezed them smaller, from what I understand.

    in reply to: Mortgage refinancing #34348

    Thanks all for you encouragement. Yes, I am still surrounded by my four legged friends, and a great deal of worry was what do do with 2 horses, 2 dogs, and 2 cats.

    My daughter is still home from college, so it is also nice for her and my son to know they still have a home to come home to during the holidays. This has been my home for over 10 years, and I really don’t want to go. I just hope that things work out so I can keep it.

    I decided to go the refi route because I’m not ready to die any time soon :) Bring on that 30 year mortgage!

    Love to all,

    in reply to: Mortgage refinancing #34342

    My house listing expired. No one is buying, let alone looking, right now. In four months I only had 2 showings.

    in reply to: From Sophie #33842

    Sophie, it was so good to hear from you, but so sad to hear about all that you have suffered. I will continue to keep you in my prayers as I do all my cancer buddies. I hope that you find something to help the mouth sores.

    You are very brave.

    in reply to: Today’s chemo = reaction to Oxaliplatin #34208

    I agree that it is good to have an agressive approach to getting the mets when you are young enough and strong enough to withstand the surgery and recovery.

    in reply to: Babies, babies everywhere #34248

    Kris, it is not wrong to mourn for what you can’t have. It’s only human. I sympathize with you. It’s really hard.

    I feel for the grandchildren I will never know.

    Hans will never forget you, and neither will those who know and love you, including the people on this board.

    in reply to: Help! #34184

    Ditto what Joyce said.

    in reply to: Today’s chemo = reaction to Oxaliplatin #34203

    Rick, I had the same reaction, so you are not the onnly one. Good luck with your treatments.

    in reply to: Robert Bridges, “violarob” #33717

    RIP Rob. It sounds as though you were a wonderful, talented and loving man. Why does cancer take the best from among us?

    “Hankies at 10 paces”. That made me chuckle. Thanks for posting the link to the blog.

    in reply to: happy new year #34095

    Happy New Year in spite of it all!

    in reply to: changing the stents!! #34098

    I have plastic stents and an appointment to get them switched out this month, three months after they were put in. It’s precautionary because they don’t want me to get so sick again that I need to be hospitalized.

    in reply to: Brother diagnosed #33922

    Hi Bean,
    I’ve had Xeloda, Gemzar, some other platin based, and am currently on

    Nutrition: LOTS OF CHOCOLATE :)

    Actually, lots of protein, fresh fruits & veggies. I personally am not on supplements, but a lot of people are and say that they help.

    I have had tons of people praying for me, and I am here to tell you that prayer works!

    in reply to: Brother diagnosed #33918

    Bean, don’t give up hope! Many of us younger patients have lived long past any expectations. I was diagnosed 8/2007. My cancer is inoperable as well, and I have mets to the lungs, but I’m still here, alive, kicking, and enjoying my life. Pallitive care really can help prolong your brother’s life. It has mine. Please come here often to check in. We are all on your side!

    in reply to: Palliative survival timeframes? #33853

    Rick, I was diagnosed with a 6 cm tumor in August 2007. Radiation and chemo shrunk it to about 2.5 cm. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 over a year ago with numerous mets to the lungs. I don’t pay much attention to the Stages, I just pay attention to the fight. I’m still here, still going strong, not giving up and not giving in. I lost my hair but not my will to live. I am in relatively good health except for cancer. In fact I went to a hockey game last night and am going to a company party tonight.

    As Lainy likes to say, Attitude is Everything!

    And as I like to say, “pray and don’t give up hope!”

Viewing 15 posts - 211 through 225 (of 656 total)