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  • in reply to: A request from a patient #33807

    I agree with Kristin for some of the same reasons.

    I don’t go here every day because as a patient it is very distressing to see people come and post and then their loved one dies. I feel horrible about it and don’t know what to say. I feel a bit guilty for being a longer-term survivor who is still going strong. When I’ve had new doctors examine me in the emergency room they express their remorse over the fact that I have a “bad disease”. Yet it is what it is and all I can do is figure that I’m immortal until God decides He’s done with me here on earth.

    in reply to: Moms visit today #33859

    Don’t get discouraged! The tumor is still small. I’ve had Stage IV for over a year at least and I’m still going strong. Every case is different. Pray and don’t give up hope.

    in reply to: Ronald John Strachan – Goodbye Dad #33636

    Gavin, I just read your post. I’m so sorry for your loss. Your Dad seemed like a wonderful man.

    God bless you,

    in reply to: Hair started falling out today! #33429

    Now that I’m wearing the chemo badge of honor (hat over bald head), its funny to notice the second glances and double takes I get from people when I go out. I’m used to it because I’ve had this cancer for over 2 years, but when you look like you have cancer, people notice. I think they are compassionate and don’t know what to say, and that is fine. I’m not looking for pity. But there is this little imp inside of me that enjoys the double takes!

    It’s cold without hair!

    I’m lucky that my head is a reasonable shape, but I currently look like Glenn Beck’s older sister :(

    in reply to: Hair started falling out today! #33428

    A buzz cut is very liberating!

    in reply to: Hair started falling out today! #33422

    Thank you all for your kind words.

    It is actually kind of liberating to face the worst and find out that it is not so bad, and that you can actually conquer your fear.

    Hair seems like a trivial thing, but losing it is such a symbol of cancer that I feared losing my hair. Yet now that it has happened, I find there is nothing to fear. I look kind of funny, but I’m still me whether I have hair or not.

    in reply to: Hair started falling out today! #33417

    Well, I did it. There was just too much coming out to wait. So I have a buzz cut and a new wig. A local salon is very supportive of cancer patients, and cut my hair for free and gave me a free wig. It is actually a relief not to have hair falling out all over the place. My daughter says that the wig makes me look like a 50s woman, but I don’t care. I have another on order so I can change my look anytime I want.

    Yes, the scarves and hats are coming out. Bring it on!

    in reply to: Metasteses #33150

    I think the lungs are very common.

    in reply to: Chemortherapy for My Uncle,Urgent Liver Tumor #32960

    Hi Suman,
    Best wishes for your uncle. Many people like myself have had their lives extended and have had a good quality of life both in spite of and because of the chemo.

    in reply to: appendectomies, how often do the occur with our members? #32991

    Good idea to poll our members. I had one in September. I think that it was due to the general inflammation and infection of my blocked bile ducts.

    in reply to: Passing on advice and warning from my psychologist #32950

    I know I’m letting my life get too small. I want to sign up for college classes but I’m afraid that I’ll be too tired to go to them. I want to go to my hockey games, but I hate spending money on frivolous activities because money is tight. I know I need to have fun, but not allowing myself an opportunity for fun.

    in reply to: A message from Louise #32979

    Best wishes, Louise, for a speedy recovery. Prayers are with you!

    in reply to: I hate Thursdays #32866

    I always get anticipatory nausea when I know a chemo session is coming up later in the day.

    in reply to: 10 year Anniversary of Walter Payton’s death #32803

    My boss grew up in Chicago, and Payton was his favorite player.

    He was stunned when I told him that I had the same disease that killed Payton.

    Walter Payton was a wonderful human being. God rest his soul.

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32336

    In my case, radiation reduced the tumor by 50%. That was the good part. The bad part of radiation is that it left me weak and unable to eat much for about three weeks.

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