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  • in reply to: Lisa #32082

    I will be sticking with Oxaliplatin and Xeloda.

    in reply to: Lisa #32077

    The news from the scan is that the cancer has grown a bit, especially in the lungs. That could just be from the fact that I haven’t had chemo since August. So I’ll be starting a new round of chemo next week and hope that it kicks some cancer butt!

    Even though the lungs are affected, I don’t feel shortness of breath nor am I experiencing any coughing. I’m just tired all the time, as probably most of you can relate to.

    in reply to: Lisa #32074

    I am feeling much, much better now that the bile has drained. I had a CT scan yesterday and get the results tomorrow. Hopefully good news, but preparing for a new challenge.

    in reply to: pain and mental fatigue #32597

    Kris, you know we love you and support you here. Like others said, its important to get the pain under control so you can be MORE you, not LESS you.

    Don’t feel bad about whining or complaining. You’re entitled to it after all you have gone through.

    I too am facing my third year of cancer, and the very real possibility of death sooner than I would like.

    But just as I had no choice as to when I came into the world, I have no choice as to when I leave this world. It is in God’s hands. I have found the peace that passes understanding. I hope, dear Kris, that you may find it too.

    Much love,

    in reply to: Mom starting to experience more pain. Not sure what to do #32561

    Sharon, I think it is extremely important that you can find some pain medication that will work for her. There is hope that she does not have to experience pain. I found a website called that addresses many questions regarding cancer pain.

    in reply to: Gary passed #32506

    I am so sorry for your loss.

    Our consolation is that we will see our loved ones again in eternity, and their memory will live on in our lives.

    God bless you,

    in reply to: Pain in tumor area #32017

    I’m having increasing pain experienced as a dull ache in my upper abdomen. Ibuprofen works until bedtime when oxycodone come in.

    in reply to: Lisa #32068

    I am out of the hospital now. I was getting very sick, and went in last Saturday. They did some tests and found that the bilirubin level was extremely high. The cancer is blocking the biliary duct at the bifurcation of the biliary tree.

    On Wednesday I had an ERCP and a stent put in, which seems to be offering some relief from the jaundice and pain. We’re praying that the stent does not become obstructed before it is due to be taken out and replaced in January.

    My oncologist has been very supportive, as has my new GI doc.

    So anyway, I am home and resting. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!

    in reply to: troubling symptoms reappearing #20425

    Had a bad report back from the lab yesterday. I had an MRI done last night. Forgot how awful it is to be in an MRI machine. Hopefully I will hear back soon with the results. In the meantime, sit and wait.

    in reply to: Hooray, just a burst appendix! #31902

    Funny, my appendix didn’t burst, but it was inflamed and ready to come out. My sympathies!

    in reply to: I can’t believe this is happening so fast #31563

    Dittoes, Kris.

    Hey – let’s make October Cholangiocarcinoma Awareness Month! I get so sick of hearing about breast cancer awareness. If you are not aware of breast cancer by now, you’re living in a cave.

    Since my hosptial stay, I am more aware of how precious and precarious my life is. It really brought my mortality to the forefront of my thinking. I was trying to ignore the lung metastasis and what that means.

    in reply to: Did I get hit by a Mack truck? #31511

    My mom has been with me every day since I got sick. That has been really helping my recovery. I’m feeling a little better every day and looking forward to getting the JP drain out of my abdomen. I lost 20 lbs the past few days just from getting rid of the water weight and swelling.

    Don’t worry, I still have a few extra pounds to see me through :)

    in reply to: Tick Saliva could hold cancer cure. #31206

    Bug spit? who would have known? how in the world did they get the idea to even test bug spit?

    in reply to: Pets #31039

    We’re going to try moving in with my Mom and Dad with our pets while our house is for sale. Hopefully Mom & Dad will allow the pets to stay with us. They already have a cat, so adding my four pets is a lot to ask for.

    The only two that I think would have a chance at adoption are the English Springer and the younger cat. But I hate to get rid of any of them because they are family, too. Hopefully we can find some good people if it comes down to that.

    in reply to: Swine flu vaccination #31073

    I would think that you are deemed critical, and would ask for a swine flu shot. I’m going to ask for one.

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