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  • in reply to: no treatment, what happens now? #42820

    Love all the “beating the statistics” stories. I think it’s time they stop giving “death sentences” and tell people to concentrate on living. That’s what most of us are doing! Keep enjoying each day. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: On the downside of the rollercoaster again #51016

    Charlea, I love how you don’t let this disease stop you from living and you get out and enjoy your activities! Are they radiating your left hip? So glad you are able to keep the pain at bay. Keep kicking butt, girl! Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: A new update on Dad #50905

    Jen, You are blessed with sharing beautiful moments with your dad in his final hours. How beautiful that he is so communicative with crossing over. This will be a comfort to you in the days ahead filled with grief. I love how he still keeps his sense of humour. Just as he has cared for you all your life he continues to care for you by showing you everything will be okay and that he will be there for you and waiting for you when you join him again. How profound when life can cause such grief and happiness at the same time. Your dad is giving you such a gift by confirming death is not an end but a new beginning, which we will all share one day. Much love, with tears, sent to you today and always from the Jensens in Revelstoke. Nancy

    in reply to: Just wanted to share #50923

    Have a great trip Marion. Enjoy the break! Nancy

    in reply to: A new update on Dad #50895

    Jen, Your dad’s strength amazes me. I am so glad you are getting in wonderful visits with your dad. You will cherish these days forever.
    The first hospice sounds beautiful. I’m glad your holding out for that one. Thinking of you always. Hugs to you, your dad and mom, and the rest of your family. Holding you close in Revelstoke. Nancy

    in reply to: Cancer Walk #50888

    Susan, How wonderful that your daughter’s company dedicated their walk to Randy. We had a similar event here yesterday ( and in many towns and cities across Canada ). We had our annual “Relay for Life” for the Canadian Cancer Society in our small town of 8000 yesterday. We raised $59,000.00!!! It was a wonderful upbeat event with music and activities. There was a survivors lap to start things off (Doug chose not to go down in the morning). In the evening the walk was lit with luminaries in memory of and in honour of those with cancer. Doug walked along and found his luminary from me and we stayed for the closing speeches. So proud of our small town and so proud of my husband. :) Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Stable for 13 months #50874

    Love hearing wonderful news such as this. Love how you are enjoying life one goal at a time.
    Are you on a maintenance dose of the above chemos? Do you take all 3 at once? How long do they plan to continue? My husband has extensive mets as well and has been fighting (knowingly) this disease since October. He had radiation on the worse spine mets and had 6 months of gem/cis ending on May 18th. He has been stable since Feb. and gets his next scan on June 23rd. It would be great to know more about your course of action, if we need to look at another avenue. Thanks.
    Congratulations on your son’s graduation! Such a special event. Enjoy the day! Nancy

    in reply to: A few more thoughts #50791

    Marions, A big thank you to you and all those you mentioned above. The drive, determination, knowledge and support by all of you is appreciated more than you will ever know.
    Oh and BFF is also best friends forever (so the kids at high school tell me).
    Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Severe Nausea #50805

    Hi Peony, I have my daughter and her boyfriend visiting. They both have degrees in nursing and work at a large hospital. I posed your question to them. They suggest trying maxevan for nausea and motilium (also known by domperidone) for the bloating. Motilium is taken with meals and it helps move food through the digestive tract easing bloating. Hope this helps. Shannon said different people respond to different meds.
    (There is also good old gravol for nausea but it does cause drowsiness.)
    Have you asked your doctor about the weakness in the legs? It could be the spine mets acting up, but as Lainy said he could just be tired out.
    Wondering if they are still looking at surgery for your husband? Did you get that third opinion?
    I do hope he is feeling better soon. It’s not pleasant feeling bloated and nauseous.
    Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Clean so far (sort of …) #47929

    Jim, I love how you always see the postitive!! Best of health to you! Nancy

    in reply to: What next? #50712

    Hi Chrissy, From reading this board it seems others have had various second line chemos. If ( and I pray not) that the cancer is spreading let the doctor know you are interested in second line chemo. What does David say? I think you will be able to make a good decision when you get the results. Doug finished his gem/cis on May 18th and he gets a scan on June 23rd. We try not to think about it and just enjoy our month, but you do kind of feel held prisoner to the “scan results.” Like Lainy said if you are not happy with the doctor’s response go for that second opinion. I will say a prayer tonight for your family. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Fevers & side-effects – Nasty!! #50703

    Hi Julia, Sorry to hear of the two of you going through such an upsetting incident. It is a blessing that Susan can not remember it, though. Glad to hear she is doing well with the antibiotics. Maybe it was just “one of those things”. I pray she is back on track soon and can continue with her treatment. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: A lesson learned… #50685

    Hi Sue, So glad everything turned out so well!! Sorry you had to go through such a scare though! Hope you can relax now. That study will be good, because it will keep you monitored and keep you at ease. Have a great weekend. Nancy

    in reply to: Remember me? #50573

    Hi Kim, I also lost my dad when he was 57. I was 18. It has been many years now but father’s day always brings a lot of reflection. You have great ideas here. I will add; watching your dad’s favourite movie, or starting one of his favourite books. Whatever you choose to do on father’s day be sure that your dad will be right there with you. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: ONC Visit #50699

    Hi Dario, Love hearing great news!!! Also sending positive thoughts out for June 10th!! Nancy

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