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  • in reply to: My mom and bestfriend with CC #49919

    Megin, It is not selfish for you to want your mom back. I feel the same way everyday about my husband. I just want life as I knew it. But, we live with hope because we need to and we live with laughter because it helps and we live with love and that will never leave us. I wish I could ease your pain. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: TIREDNESS #49940

    Hi MaryJo, I wish I had a magic answer. Doug is fatigued a lot from the chemo – each session more so. I make him fruit smoothies with whey protein powder and they seem to help give him some energy. (Fresh fruit, frozen fruit, fruit juice, milk and the powder). Only other thing I could suggest is not overtaxing yourself. I find when Doug is feeling better he tries to do too much and then he sleeps for a few days. Spread out your activities and don’t expect too much from yourself. Take care. Nancy


    Many, many postitive thoughts being sent your way!!!Sounds like Ben is doing excellent! You are a great team! Our team, Doug and I, are doing well too. Doug goes for the last of round 7 on Wednesday, then a week off, then on to round 8 – going for the knock out!!! We are close behind you. I too noticed each session brings more fatigue but Doug’s health is better, so hoping after chemo the fatigue subsides. Will be thinking of you two on Thursday. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Dad Update and question… #49664

    Dear Jen, So sorry to hear how tough things are for your dad and family right now. I am thinking about you a lot. You are right about cherishing every moment – like your daughter blowing kisses. Those moments will be with you forever. I pray you all have a good day tomorrow. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: update on dad #49894

    Hi Anp, So glad you had a great day to celebrate your dad’s 60th. My 3 kids and myself are looking forward to celebrating Doug’s 60th on May 3rd and our son’s wedding on May 7th. These milestones become even more important when you are fighting the big C. Enjoy these days of your dad feeling better and I pray this lasts a long time. Happy Easter. Nancy

    in reply to: My dad has passed on… #49877

    Stacey, so sorry to hear of your dad’s passing but glad it was peaceful and pain free. I am also glad to hear you had a couple of good months (Feb. and March) to enjoy. It is going to be tough but remember he hasn’t really left you he is right there with you for the rest of your life. Take care.

    in reply to: Telomerase vaccine #49867

    Hi, Interesting. Most naturopathic treatments are based on stimulating immunity. I hope they get positive results with this study. Thanks for the info.

    in reply to: Hello Everyone #49649

    Hi Charlet, So sorry to hear about the loss of your grandpa. I think it is awesome that your are doing a research paper about cc. I will have to read about MAPK 13; never heard of it. Cholangiocarcinoma is certainly a cancer that needs much more research and those in the medical field need to be more educated about it. Would love to see your paper when you are finished. Like those above said, do some searching on the site here and you will find some good first hand information from patients and caregivers on the frontlines fighting this disease. Wishing you the best. Your grandpa would be proud. Nancy

    in reply to: Researching for brother #49860

    Hi Nick, My husband Doug has stage 4 cc with mets to liver and bones. He takes naturopathic support which miminizes the effects of chemo and enhances the benefits. He has tolerated chemo very well. We believe in the naturopathic support but not everyone does. He has mistletoe injections 3x a week, takes DCA with vitamin B 2x a day, other vitamins and primal defence 3x a day, drinks water with detox drops in it throughout the day. If your brother is interested I would see a naturopath. They do a thorough evaluation and tests to determine the best regiment. Hope this is some help.
    Best wishes. Nancy

    in reply to: Latest on Mom #16028

    Hi Ashley, Wow what a turnaround. I can understand you being taken aback! Like others have said I agree to go with mom’s decision. I know it is tough wondering if it is the best thing and you want to protect your mom from any more pain but sounds like you were able to have her understand what she was up against, and she has made a sound decision. I pray for strength for all of you to get through this. Your mom has a second chance!
    Hugs to all of you. Nancy

    in reply to: GEMOX treatment #49595

    Hi Jukka, Glad your first day of chemo went well! Keep it up! Nancy

    in reply to: Rick Kamp has gone home #49800

    Ken, I was so saddened to hear of Rick’s passing at such a young age. Getting to know him through his posts made me realize what a remarkable young man he was. I can understand why you are so proud. I am glad he has his faith and so does the rest of your family; it will help you through this most difficult of times. I know you will miss him terribly but he is with you forever. My condolences to you and all of Rick’s family and friends. We will miss him on this site, but let us know how you are all doing from time to time. Nancy

    in reply to: Just made the decision to go with hospice #49829

    Lisa, you are an inspiration to me and probably to many. You have so bravely fought this disease and have done well. I so understand your wanting quality of life; you have a few very exciting milestones coming up!
    We too have a wedding coming up in May (our son). We will have to swap stories! I am getting very excited and I am so thankful Doug will be able to attend. Sounds like you have done an incredible job raising your 3 children on your own. You must be very proud. Big hugs to you. Nancy

    in reply to: Rick Kamp #49819

    So sad. A loving young husband/ father taken far too soon. He fought valiantly to the end. My thoughts and prayers to Cindy, their children and their families.

    in reply to: Dad Update and question… #49659

    That’s awesome Jen! So glad to here Herb is feeling better! Enjoy!

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