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  • in reply to: 2 years clear and its back! #59729

    Dear Nancy, That’s wonderful! Best thing I have read today! Will be thinking of you on the 13th! Rest up and enjoy the beautiful summer days. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Questions about antidepressants #62969

    Lainy, My 14 year old cat was put on prednisone and she is just like a kitten again! She is doing so much better. I told my daughter, who is suffering similar ailments to my cat, that maybe she should try prednisone and she said “heck no, way too many side effects”. (She is an RN). It is too bad it causes so many side effects for some, because it is good at what it does! Anyway, I am weaning the cat off of it now so I hope it has done it’s job. One day we will be free of cancer and other diseases such as MS and arthritis and we will no longer need “dreadnisone”. Love and hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Questions about antidepressants #62968

    Dear Pam, Sending positive thoughts that you will find something that will work for you. You have so much on your shoulders and you are such a wonderful mother and caregiver to all. Make sure you are finding some time just for you! Manicure, pedicure perhaps? Yoga classes? Or even just a walk by yourself. I was going to start yoga when I broke my arm and now I am held up with a frozen shoulder but I am looking forward to starting one day. It has helped my daughter, who suffers from depression. Sending love to you and Lauren. Nancy

    in reply to: My Daddy #62286

    Dear Kristina, Welcome. Your mention of your dad not eating, sleeping and screaming no at you jumped out at me. As a suggestion, have his ammonia levels checked. When my husbands ammonia levels were high he would sleep more, be confused, not want to eat, etc. Ammonia levels are typically helped with lactulose. Sending positive thoughts and prayers to your dad and your family. Nancy

    in reply to: Update on mom’s external drain procedure #63148

    Hi Anne, That’s a relief! I am sure she will start feeling much better, too. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Wanted to take a moment to introduce myself #63093

    Dear Anne, Welcome. Sorry to hear about the recent turn of events for you mom. Sending positive thoughts for a good appointment on Wednesday and coming up with a good battle plan! Let us know how it goes. Let your mom know there is a whole lot of wonderful strangers/friends rooting for her. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Kim Mozeff-Cirucci 7-19-2012 #63125

    My condolences to Kim’s family and friends. She worked so hard not only with her own battle but for others as well. She truly was an inspirations. We will continue to get the message out about cc and cancer in general and one day we will have that cure. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: What now? #63106

    Hi Jim, Sorry I don’t know much about liver transplant protocol but others will be sure to chime in. That is good that you will get a second opinion from Mayo and maybe others as well. I hope you can get more answers tomorrow from the oncologist. This is a frustrating disease and one that is difficult to determine the best line of defence. Wishing you all the best. Nancy

    in reply to: results #63032

    Hi Melissa. Yes this is tough. On the one hand it is good to see your mom getting out with her friends because you mentioned she was getting detached. I emphasize on how hard this is for you, but maybe your mom understands more than she is letting on. No matter how much we love them and want them to do anything to make themselves better the final decision is theirs. Ask your mom what she would like you to do in order to help her. Like Lainy said don’t forget about you and take care of yourself, too. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: My new road: radiation? #61765

    Sending tons of positive thoughts for your radiation zapping today! It was quite the ride to get here! Sometimes doctors get too wrapped up with the disease and forget about the person. Good job educated them Kris! Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Does anyone have a surgically implanted drug pump? #62932

    Hi Peony, Doug had multiple rib fractures too. The drug he found most helpful with the least side effects was hydromorphone. He also took naturopathic support which he felt helped a lot. I hope the implant goes well and it works. It would be so nice for you two to be able to enjoy life again. Sending more positive thoughts and hugs. Nancy
    P.S. I am doing okay. It is a journey; not one I had planned but one I need to take. It is a long and winding road full of obstacles but also full of love. I have gone from a day at a time to a week at a time to a month at a time, so I guess that is progress. :)

    in reply to: Love you Grandpa #62996

    Megan, What a beautiful tribute to your grandfather. He sounds like a wonderful man. You will certainly carry his legacy on. All your beautiful memories will help you through these most painful days. Thinking of you and your family. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Can my mom be around my new puppy? #62993

    Never heard of such a thing, unless your mom is allergic to dogs. We have a dog and cats, which my husband was around all day, and our doctors knew we had pets. A puppy is a great boost of morale; they are so darn cute and silly!
    Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Good scan one year after surgery #62913

    Yes Eli, fantastic news! Glad the emergency trip was a “simple” solution! Enjoy a beautiful summer! Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Starting new chemo. #62827

    Hi Pam, Not the news I wanted to read, but you and Lauren and the rest of your family are such positive fighters. Maybe this new concoction is exactly what Lauren needs to give this cancer a big enough kick to get a resection! I think of your family battle all the time (as they say a person does not get cancer, a family does) and am constantly sending positive thoughts! Tell Lauren my youngest daughter, Tamia (who is also 25), reads this board and we are both rooting for her! Sending love and hugs from Revelstoke B.C.

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 396 total)