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  • in reply to: I wish my fiancé could catch a break #61012

    Hi Katheryn, Sending lots of postive thoughts that Patrick’s infection gets cleared up ASAP so he can start his chemo. I agree this is really unfair!
    Keep planning for that future, one must live with hope. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Here´s to life!! #60992

    Maria, You are truly an ispiration to so many! Sending you lots and lots of energy and love! Nancy

    in reply to: Could this be possible? #60167

    Yaaa Margaret! Glad everything looks normal and that you have some great support with the nurses and doctors there! Tom’s looking out for you. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: ER visit #59834

    Hi Lourdes, My husband got ascites from cc, I think it is quite common. Luckily his never got bad enough to be drained. It seemed to go up and down, somedays worse than others. His doctor monitored it and said if it got too umcomfortable they would give him diuretics.
    I am glad your dad is more comfortable now. I hope he can go back home soon. :) Nancy

    in reply to: Awaiting diagnosis…why is this taking so long? #59615

    Twoforjoy and Liz, I know how stressful it was to look after my husband when he was sick and I had no children in the house! I feel for you; you are true supermoms! Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayer that your wonderful husbands will be candidates for surgery. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: 2 years clear and its back! #59725

    Dear Nancy, Sorry to hear you have a lesion. Sounds like you are in very good hands and getting good advice from those on this board as well. Can’t give you any advice, just want to you to know I am thinking of you and sending postive, healing thoughts. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: 47 year old husband CC as second primary #59582

    Dear Amy, I am so sorry your husband, you, and your family have had to go through a cancer diagnosis twice. Life really isn’t fair at times. As we celebrate the Easter season once again we are reminded of hope and how it helps us through the most difficult of times. Sending positive, healing thoughts your way. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: I’m lost… #59405

    Deb, It is so hard to know the “right thing” to do isn’t it? Sounds like you are very in tune with your kids feelings and I understand how an 8 year old would be different than a teen. Though, we all grief differently don’t we? Sounds like you are holding your family together well. My heart goes out to you and your children. Happy Easter. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: April 10th is the day #59470

    Amy, I hope you are enjoying the beautiful Catalina Island right now. Sending positive thoughts and wishes for a successful surgery on the 10th. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: I’m lost… #59403

    Deb, So sorry to read about your dear husband. I do not have much to add to the beautiful posts you received. I too lost my dear husband 6 months ago and am stumbling forward. I have been surprised to find out who is helping me walk and who has abandoned me. I have certainly learned never say “call me if you need anything” because we won’t. With a broken arm this winter I wondered how I was going to manage the snow removal, then everyday it snowed before I left for work my neighbour (one I haven’t known that well) would be in my driveway snowblowing me out. Bless him.
    I lost my dad suddenly from a heart attack as a teen, so I too can empathize with your children. I suggest family talks with your children recalling stories and times with their dad. Back in my day the subject became taboo for years, never speaking of dad in front of mom.
    Your young daughter clinging to you is normal. My youngest (25) recently told me she is terrified of something happening to me and is anxious about an upcoming trip I am taking for 10 days, because she sees me nearly everyday. (I am anxious, too!).
    The road will get smoother as time goes by put you will still hit bumps and potholes.
    Hugs and best wishes for healing to you and your beautiful children. Nancy

    in reply to: My Father’s story….. #59753

    My husband took DCA along with his chemo as well as mistletoe and vitamins. He was far more advanced in his cancer than your dad. As laymen I don’t think we will be able to know if the results were from the chemo, the DCA or combination. I do know that my husband tolerated the chemo extremely well and lived healthier than expected right up until the end. Living in Canada we got the DCA through a Naturopath. Best wishes to your Dad. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Part 2: Clean so far (sort of …) #56538

    Jim, Bad news – cc mets. Good news – no chemo! Good news – they removed the nasty and will remove any others that pop up! Good news -Dr. Sonnett = huge reputation! Three against one for good news! Sending you healing wishes and hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Big day! #58108

    Will do Tiff! Sending prayers, positive thoughts and hugs your way. Nancy

    in reply to: End of our Story #58088

    Dear Shar, So sorry to hear of your mom’s passing. I know how much you will miss her but take comfort in knowing she lives on through you. She will always be close to your heart. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Losing a parent at a young age… #57985

    Dear Wittrockj, I feel your grief and can relate to your struggles and feelings of numbness. I lost my husband 5 months ago and my children ( son 30, daughter 28, and daughter 25) lost their father and we are slowly working through our loss. Grief can be lonely. Although, we rely on the support and love from one another unfortunately some of it we have to pass through alone. I couldn’t have made it this far without my kids, and I have also joined a support group but there are times I have to deal with my thoughts and emotions myself. Somedays are easier than others but boy is grief tiring! I wonder if I will ever have energy, maybe Spring will help!
    My husband and I were married 33 years too – just 2 months shy of 34 years when he passed. I am so glad I married my soul mate, even to lose him too soon.
    Hugs. Nancy

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