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  • in reply to: Update #81762

    Best to you Alison, as you have your y-90. Really glad your pancreas is clear and the CC is limited to your liver where the y90 can really make an impact. I check your caringbridge now and then and have seen what a wonderful support system you have.. And your daughter is adorable!

    in reply to: In memory of my sweet mom #81712

    My sincere condolences on the loss of your dear mother.

    in reply to: Hi Percy #81447

    Great to hear from you, Percy, though my heart aches. I hope you make it to the World Series to enjoy a game with Carl!

    in reply to: My dad has Cholangiocarcinoma #81654

    Hello and welcome.
    I agree with Percy except I think some treatments do improve quality of life, not just quantity. Each person responds differently. Usually chemo, if it helps, eventually stops working so they switch to a new chemo. When the cells have spread farther from original site, control if CC is much more difficult. Gene testing for known mutations to match with a known treatment for this is still a new science in research stages. That and immunotherapy mentioned by Percy seem to be the future of cancer treatments but are a long way from being mainstream. Still, I would get the testing done too if I could. Clinical trials are another option to seek (usually after known therapies are exhausted but not necessarily).
    My sister has not had a lot of success with chemo but did respond well to y-90 and external beam radiation. This did not prevent or treat mets to other areas of body though, and all (including chemo) are considered palliative treatments, not curative. That said, there are a few who had stage 4 CC and responded well to chemo enough to get surgery but sadly this is not common.

    in reply to: Survival…Please tell us your latest milestone #64705

    John Thomas and Patti from Illinois,
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories! Great to hear you’re staying busy living and loving!

    in reply to: Incision infection #81407

    Glad you got to see a wound specialist and I hope your incisions heal faster so you can move on to chemo.

    in reply to: Hi Percy #81442

    Thinking of you, dear Percy!

    in reply to: Treatment uncertainty #81642

    Resistance development is common, so switching up chemos is what is usually rec. Get more opinions if you can. My sister is on her 4th type of chemo. She also had y-90 radioembolization to liver tumors which seems to have stabilized/are necrotic and she had external beam radiation to a subcutaneous and a rib bone met. Next is high frequency focused ultrasound (HIFU) to rib bone mets. Meanwhile on irinotecan for chemo. It’s hard to know which chemo will work and for how long. Side effects of low blood cell counts and neuropathy can sometimes halt, delay or reduce dosage of a specific chemo regimen. Its good to have a team of docs who work together and plan ahead for next course of action. Best to your dear wife.

    in reply to: lung metastasis #81564

    My sister also has mets to lungs. I believe it is not uncommon. Luckily they are slow growing and not the main concern to the doctors. That said, my sister has tried various chemos to treat overall cancer. Never had any tx targeting g the lung mets directly.

    in reply to: On the whole, I’ve had better weeks #76402

    I second that… Enjoy the freedom from treatment. Enjoy the beautiful spring, friends, family and some fabulous meals as your body and mind recover from the chemo and radiation.


    Super Selfless Woman!

    in reply to: Anyone had HIFU for bone met pain? #81536

    Thank you, Gavin. Great that you made it to that conference!

    in reply to: gem ox #81483

    Porter, hope you get to the bottom of this and it’s only the milder range of side effects. Still, not fun. Bundle up and let us know what the doc says.

    in reply to: Hernia surgery tomorrow #81467

    Saw on caringbridge that surgery went well but Lisa is in a lot of pain. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers for relief and healing.


    Unbelievable! How frustrating for that tiny community.

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