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  • in reply to: Treatment Centers/Physicians #29925

    My Mom was treated at Duke University Medical Center

    Her oncologist was Dr. Michael Morse.


    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42110


    One of the things I found helpful are protein powders that you can add to anything.

    One of the oncology nurses suggested a website called : when my Mom was undergoing chemo and we were concerned about her weight. Mom was also prescribed about 20ml of Megace which worked wonders with her appetite.

    The website offers medical grade protein powders. I recently had lapband surgery and am using the powders to get added protein.

    The stuff is amazing with no aftertastes or grit and comes in 6 flavors. The site has great info for bariatric patients to Chemo patients to Seniors.

    For breakfast I have a large 24 oz glass of one scoop of vanilla or chocolate splendor protein powder (20grams) and add a carnation instant breakfast packet (9) grams and fill the cup with 2% milk and fill with ice. Counting the milk I have 35 grams of protein in what tastes like a great shake!

    In Tom’s case you could use whole milk for the added calories. These powders are also great in soups (keep the temp under 130 degrees) and in numerous types of smoothies.

    You are an amazing woman and your love for Tom shines through in all of your posts.

    I’m sending prayers for strength, and numerous hugs and lots of love!


    in reply to: Teddy UPDATE #43424


    Hope the hand is better! Give the miracle man a hug and a kiss!

    Thinking of both of you!

    in reply to: My husband died yesterday #43291

    I’m happy that Tad no longer must suffer but my heart goes out to you and your family for what you’ve endured.

    My prayer for you is that in time these last awful weeks will be replaced by the good memories you made before this monster of a disease entered your lives.

    Sending hugs and prayers to you. We are always here if you need us.


    in reply to: My Dad #42913

    Oh Pam,

    These are such precious moments. I’m sending prayers of strength for you and hugs.

    Be strong,


    in reply to: Kris #43372


    Thanks for the update! Lots of hugs, prayers and love are flying your way! Be sure and give the monkeybutt a hug too!


    in reply to: Insurance Coverage for Sorafenib (nexavar)? #43315


    My Mom’s insurance company covered it. Her doctor at Duke wrote the prescription and the medication was mailed to the house since you can’t pick it up at a pharmacy. The company was excellent and had phone numbers for information and great patient information.

    We were surprised it was covered since it’s not specifically for CC. My Mom was a Guilford County, North Carolina employee with I think Blue Cross/Blue Shield.

    The Oncologist told us he would write a letter if needed but they approved it.

    Hang in there! It can be done!


    in reply to: How do you deal? #43242


    I think you’re right about the Welbutrin. Being a Cytologist, I see way too much lung cancer coming across my microscope! You should be proud of yourself for making the decision to stop! I also know about the “better health” promises.

    I’ve struggled with weight issues as has my daughter for the last 10 years. Most of it due to thyroid issues. I know it bothered my Mom a lot and so in July I started to do something about it. Two weeks ago I had lap band surgery and my daughter will be going with her husband for her final appointment to set her surgery date on Friday. I did it for me but also with my Mom’s concern in mind.

    I miss her so much! I wanted to call and tell her and have her come and take care of me. I used to call her everyday on my way home from work and we would end up talking for almost 30 minutes. That is STILL such a void in my life.

    Just remember to keep taking those baby steps. I also tried to remind myself that Mom would want me to be happy as would yours. I still have conversations with her in my mind every day. I like to picture my Mom in heaven having conversations with other loved ones about their children.

    Just remember… we’re here for you!

    Hugs, love and prayers coming your way!

    Hang in there and I’m always here if you need a shoulder, or a cheerleader.

    in reply to: How do you deal? #43238

    Oh Kimmie,

    Believe me I know exactly how you feel. It was a year for me in April since my Mom died. I’ve stood exactly where you are now and I know the pain of not being able to verbalize the hurts and make people UNDERSTAND HOW BAD I FELT!!!!

    I too hate taking anything pill wise but I did take Welbutrin for about 4 months. It was very helpful and did get me “over the worst” part. You can read some of my posts by searching Cherbourg.

    Anger is a part of this. Also frustration and even the irrational feelings. There is no easy way through this but I promise you will get through. You are the best legacy your Mom left. Try to dwell on the positives….she isn’t hurting or sick anymore. You were the most amazing daughter who supported her throughout this journey of dealing with this monster of a disease.

    We are here for you anytime. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers daily.

    I’m sending hugs, prayers, and lots of love,

    in reply to: This sucks #43135


    I lost my Mom to this disease on April 3, 2009 and I still miss her every day. I would always call her everyday on my way home from work. It’s a little easier but there is such a void in my life. She was my greatest cheerleader and supporter and I still can’t quite wrap my head around the fact that she’s gone. I’ve found myself bursting into tears after passing someone in Walmart wearing her perfume.

    All I can offer is give yourself time. Grieving is the hardest job we will ever do. There is NO rulebook, NO timetable, NO shortcuts… just have to work your way through it at your own pace. Be kind to yourself and realize that anyone who hasn’t gone through this may unintentionally be unkind and as one of my ??best friends?? said….get over it….grieving won’t bring her back…. Only my fear of prison kept me from from making a grave decision.

    Come here often and feel free to vent. We know the pain and we can help each other.

    I’m sending hugs, prayers for strength and lots of understanding love your way.


    in reply to: New plan, new surgery #42988


    I’m so glad there is another trick in the bag! I am sending prayers for the surgeon, you, Hans and your beloved families. Stay strong and know and feel how very much we love you.


    in reply to: not going well #43127

    Oh Kris,

    I have no advice for you except trust your instincts. They’ve always been spot on.

    I am sending hugs and prayers for strength to you and your family.

    in reply to: Teddy Update #43030


    I know exactly the face you are describing. When my children were babies and Mom and I would be holding them, they would make that face. She would tell me that’s when they are “seeing angels”….the ones here on earth that love them most and the ones in heaven.

    I’m sending lots of love, prayers for strength and acceptance and of course tons of hugs!


    in reply to: Tomorrow…we will know. #43038

    Oh ladybug02142004,

    Waiting is so hard! I wish I could reach through the computer and give you a hug!

    I know it’s hard but try to take a deep breath and stay positive. I am sending hugs and tons of prayers your way. I will keep you and Dave in my prayers.

    Please let us know how things go.


    in reply to: Morphine Nightmares #41934

    Hey Lainy,

    My Mom had a terrible drug reaction bellieving we were conspiring to lock her up, that my sister was injured in an accident, that Daddy was missing, you name it! It was finally tracked down to be Dilaudid that was doing it. We switched to fentenyl and it worked like a charm.

    Hospice should be able to get things back on track!

    I’m sending hugs, love and lots of prayers to you and the big guy!


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