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  • in reply to: Back from my having my liver tickled #18460

    Kris… Relax and enjoy the Holidays. All the prayers and miracles are on your way. Listen for the jingling on the roof top.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G. P.S. We are are all awaiting your new red hair Picture. I’ll show you my bald one in return if the hair keeps falling out. Ha!

    in reply to: DAVANT/5FU (Pro-Pharmaceuticals Inc.) #14283

    Wayne…. sorry to hear your wife has to fight this horrible disease. You have probally heard this before but it is so true . Everyone responds dufferently to differentt chemos. The Only thing I can say is Iv’e tried many different combinations and 5-Fu and Oxalplatin I did get some response but it was probally one of the most harsh combo of chemo I’Ve tryed. The bottom line is if you have a base line CT and blood work and after 3 treatments nothing good is happening you move on to try something else. Or if things appear to remain stable and CA-19-9 starts falling hang in for a while longer. I guess from my own experience I tried and if no good move on. I did not subject my body to chemo that was not working any longer than I have to. The chemo I’m trying currently Taxotere which is not even protocal has 2 more treatments to go and if nothing positive, I’ll stop it. Where I go from there depends on what’s new if any thing or try another off the wall hit and miss attempt. Another chemo that gave me some temp stabalizatio was 5-FU and cisplatin. It is so individual and a hard choice to make. Personally I have seen nothing chemo wise that has done all that much other than temp shrinkage or a few months stablization. Wish I could tell you there is a magical cure. I remain hopeful and until then I try new things and continue with my meditaion and visulization, Milk thistle, fish oil, and sylenneium.
    God Bless you guys!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Is pain inevitable? #18454

    Hi Lisa… Nothing unusual. I went six years after resection before I needed some pain relief. It all depends on the location of your tumor or tumors in my case, how fast /slow they are growing and if they create pressure on central nervous system nerves. Also, Like myself when it mets to the bones and creates a fracture. Bottom line, you could go for a very long time without needing Pain medications. I have known someone personally who took no pain meds until a week before his death. Then again I knew someone who took to much pain meds because they just wanted to be numb to the whole process. Size and location and pressure on nerves; also inflamation of lymp nodes main cause in my opinion.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My Dad, My Hero, My Friend #18406

    Lisa Ann, My sincere condolences to you and your family. May you have the comfort knowing tour Dad is resting in peace now without pain! Love and Hugs to you and the family.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Tumor shrunk! #18268

    Hi Lisa…. Glad to hear you are responding well to chemo. What are you trying at this time? Living with a chronic disease has become my middle name. I always have that ” I wonder when or if things are going to change” For the better or for the worst. You can’t get it out of your mind so I bury it with something more positive in life. Stay busy of course. Well got to go, one of the grandchildren having a little tantrum. Ha! Time out Time! These little ones certainly can teach you persistence Ha! and hope! “that they can do it their way when their not to.
    God Bless.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: When to choose Hospice? #18399

    Hi Richard, Like Marion mentioned it’is a personal choice. Basically what you described would indicate not much time left. Basically what does Dad want? Him saying he would eat more and exercise more once he gets home ,kinda gives me the sense that he is scared and wants someone with him. Does he want to be at home or at a hospice center? You can with help from the hospice choose to do either one or even both. I guess One thing to ask yourself, is the family prepared and or have the ability to provide care at home when Hospice is not there. Hospice will certainly help you with the basics. As time grows closer there is a chance that he may become quite delirious(sp), he might try to get up and wonder around and and injure himself. Bottom line Richard if you want to try at home for a few days and then make a decsion. Alot of people choose to pass on at home because of high cost. Social Security only contributes a whopping $268.00 approimately towards funeral expenses. Others choose hospice center as they could not deal with living in the house after a loved one has died. Then again it just may be to emotionally upsetting not to be there when the time comes. Have you all made a checklist of who to call and when. Contacting a funeral home in advance is best. I made all my parents arrangements in advance. My Dad passed on a couple years ago and all went just fine. Richard I’ll stop ramblin and say it’s really up to your personal choice and what you think is best as you mentioned your Dad is leaving it up to you and the family.You can’t go wrong Richard you can only do your best as a caring and loving son. At this stage I personally would think it isn’t a matter of extending or shortening his life; It is in God’s hands now Richard and you cannot and should not entertwine your descision will any guilt what -so-ever. Make him comfortable and love him dearly just as you continue to do.
    Richard, Lots of hugs and loving support has been sent your way,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Dr. Jerome Canady #17793

    Dear Katia and Silvia Velasco….. My sincere condolences to you both and your Family. From your discription of how advanced his situation was, Your Father was an extremely strong and brave man. His decision to fight this desease was couragous. May he now without pain nor suffering rest in peace. I pray that God provides you and your family the strength to understand why he called upon your Father so soon in life.
    God’s Blessings,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: seeking guidance from other caregivers #18385

    Dear Patrice, Iv’e been there and done that and I still do for a few days at a time. Then my wife valerie will ask me if I’m going to shave today or make a comment a hot shower will make you feel more relaxed and comfortable or she’lll offer to run me a hot bubble bath. I’ve always put it quite blunt and simple and I guess this post shouldn’t be any different. Not shaving or bathing is a classic for someone depressed and angry. I can’t blame him, It is the way he feels and really doesn’t have much control over it. Now that it is winter and less day light depression can even get worse. I always say to myself I can’t be bothered or I’m not going out who cares? When I was down and out for the count during some of my chemo treatments, my wife would give me a nice warm sponge bath. It was great. I’m rambling Patrice, but the bottom line is medication for depression may or may not help. It is up to him. But depressed or not, dying or not I will not subject my loved ones too my raunchy Body odor. I have to much respect and dignity to allow myself to smell like trash and subject others to it. You can’t fight with him about it ,but you can be honest and tell Dave You love him dearly and would love to cuddle and hold you close but just cant’. Let him know you will be more than happy to sponge bathe him if it come s to that. Also let him about getting scabbies he surely don’t want to be sratching and itching also let him know it affects others who live or visit the house. Patrice Dave’s self- esteem is little to none. I don’t know your family dynamics Patrice but as much as it hurts I would sleep alone unless he keeps clean, You don’t need to come down sick. I would expect my wife to do the same if I ever decide to do that to her. I guess I would stand my grounds and put clean sheets on the bed and let him know ahead of time he will sponge bath at least if he don’t want to shower, grow the beard if you want but wash it. I guess maybe a little comprimising is in order. It comes down to you can’t really force him to do anything. It’s Dave himself who has to say to himself , this #$@% disease ! and then decide if it is going to control his dignity and respect of others. I think if he understands he can still make some decisions and this mean disease will never have total control regardless of the outcome. I wish there was a magic wand Patrice. Darn, he has to feel useful and loved and still has some control. Dave, I’m in the same boat but I’ll be #$%#$%%$# if this disease is going to rape me of my integrity and dignity! I opologize if I put it on to heavy but it’s how I truly feel. I truley understand the ins and outs of depression but also understand our minds are more powerful than we realize! Wheter we go tomorrow or next year I’d rather leave spelling of Irish Springs than week old trash.
    God Bless You both, It’s Tough!
    Jeff G.
    P.S. Patrice .. You know after I read this post , I said to myself I was pretty outspoken and cruel. Please believe me the best intentions only were in my mind plus a little anger as Dave did’t ask for this anymore than I did. Please remind hind him he is fighting a battle of a bigger war that we still do have the hope of winning.

    in reply to: Time to introduce myself #18238

    Dan, My sincere condolences. May your Dad rest in Peace and the Lord give you the strength to deal with your loss.
    God bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: More bad news for me #18359

    Kris, Your a young wipper snapper full of energy. I’m sorry that you have to go through this ordeal. Remember it’s going to be a rollercoaster ride for a little bit. It will slow down. The lord helps those who help themselves and that is what your already doing. While I was awaitng to go in for my surgery, my Daughter took her finger and wiped a single tear from my face and asked if I would be okay? I said yes, the lord is just giving me another one of life’s challenges. So, yes when reality hits it is okay to be tearful and blubber! I can’t tell ya what to do but destressing the body; meditation and focusing the mind to fight and heal has done me a world of good. I put on my CD called Healing Waters, lay in a dark room and my anxiety and worries just float away. Always keep hope! *** There are so many reasons why liver enzymes can be to high.*** Let’s keep an eye on the biopsy results first and take the bull by the horns if needed at that time. Kris there just isn’t no words powerful enough to change the way your feeling right now. There is a song and I’ll be if I can remember(chemo brain and all) Has the the lyrics ” lean on me” Well you just Lean on us! any time you want!
    Bless Ya Girl!
    A great big Hug just sent your way!

    in reply to: Questions about radiation after resection #18286

    Carol …. I’m glad to hear charlie is doing so much better and that they are going to do radiation as a precaution. Advocating and second opinions makes a world of difference; a life changing difference I might add. After talking in length with my Oncologist yesterday and reviewing scans, we decided to hold off from radiation and continue with this Taxotere chemo. He said to much to many times would basically do me in so want to save that for when I really need it. Dec 26th I have my next chemo, a belated christmas gift Ha! In other words they can’t zap each hot spot I discover or I would turn green. Ha! He feels I’m holding my own and with my health being to my benefit, I could make some history if all stays status quo. Well, big ole snow storm headed this way today need to go stock up on a few items so I don’t have to tramp out in the mess. Again I can’t say enough how happy I am for you and Charlie. By the way that is a lovely photo of you two. Merry christmas to you guys and the family!
    God Bless,
    P.s. Big storm? Ha! Nothing compared to what Peter gets up there in Vermont.

    in reply to: Elevated liver enzymes #18338

    G— The only over the counter (WalMart) That could possibly help is MIlk Thistle. I use it myself as well as I believe Mary’s husband. Also at Health and foood Store the is something called Multi Enzyme Formula. “Things to stay away from is Sugar, alcohol, antibiotics, pain meds, acetaminphen.” Only other option I can think of is blood test to see what ever med you are for taking for pain and possibally changing it. That’s about all I know of that. It is mainly the liver really working hard to detox. Also try No Sugar, Al no preservative Sams Choice Grape Juice 120or 130% 12 oz glasses slowly drink off and on .Your body odor will tell you that detoxing is going on.
    Hope this is of some help.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: 18 month check-up-Dr. says “REMISSION” #18352

    Mary… Is there any place particular you get your beet extract from? I think it’s time for me to shift in to overdrive and try some more alternatives. Went to the Doctor today and basically he said Merry Christmas your next round of Taxotere is dec 26th. No radiation at this time as I’ll probally need it more down the road and as long as it is not bothering me pain wise he doesn’t want to overdose me on the stuff. I had him really give me a reality check today and basically chemo is about my only choice with radiation as a backup for shrinking tumors to relieve pain. The other choices was whatever alternatives and when I wanted to stop trying different chemos regimens. I wished him a Merry Christmas and told him we’ll be having the same talk next Christmas. He thinks I’m crazy anyway. We took the extra time to look at scans today and they painted a pretty clear picture why he is taking the route he is. I still believe in miracles and intend to keep on trucking!
    God Bless,

    in reply to: The New Website #18314

    Stacie, Sara and Rick……. You have been Santa’s little elves all year long! Much gratitude from us all ! Now, we need to get on the stick with donations and local funds raisers. Is there any particular do or dont’s? I’m ready just as soon as the New Year kicks in, but don’t want to do anything that is a no no.
    Bless Ya Guys!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: 18 month check-up-Dr. says “REMISSION” #18349

    Mary , you could certainly have something there. I relate my tumor in the liver being radiated with 3-D conformal which encompassed the the whole tumor in turn damaging the tumor to the extent that no flow to the good part. I have been slowly but surely watching my liver tumor shrink. Onlt thing with me is I let it go so long that I havr the free radicals still floating around. It’s like applying a tournaquet and never loosening it. what happens no blood flow and tissuse and cell death. I am really happy about the results of your husbands tumor free scan!!!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

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