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  • in reply to: Not the way to start a Monday … #50394

    Bazel, I will be praying for this young girl. This is the youngest I have heard of, though you see more and more young people in their 20’s and 30’s on this board. Makes you wonder what is happening in our world and with our bodies that is causing this. We must fight, fight, fight and we will ultimately win this battle against CC. I hope that the win is soon, to stop this suffering. Let your co-worker know that there is a whole board of caring people rooting for his daughter. I am glad she is getting surgery right away and they found it before it spread further. I think her chances are good. Take care. Nancy

    in reply to: update on Harmony #29559

    Dearest Susan, I was so saddened to hear of Harmony’s passing. I reread a number of her posts and her blog and realized what a perfect name you gifted to her. A celebration of life is perfect for that is what Harmony did, she celebrated life; especially when baking cookies and yummy cinnamon buns and doing things for her family! I could tell by her posts what a sweetheart she was. I know how much you will miss her. She will be with you forever and you will see her everyday in your beautiful grandson. I feel your pain and wish I could lessen it. Take care of yourself Susan and keep in touch. We will continue Harmony’s fight. We all live with hope, just as she did and one day the prayers will be answered and cholangiocarcinoma will take no more. Nancy

    in reply to: My friend Shawn Hernandaz #50273

    My heart goes out to Shawn and her family and to you Margaret. We will find an end to this suffering one day. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Okay, how do I answer the questions? #50195

    Charlotte, Your a hoot! Sounds like you have a great husband to support you (in many ways)! Way to go being a disbeliever and surpassing the ‘prognosis’. Keep it up girl. Look forward to reading your next post.
    Hugs. nancy

    in reply to: methadone #50217

    Jen, So sorry to hear your dad is in so much pain. I think this is all our worst fear; that our loved ones will be in pain. I have a good friend who has had chronic pain for years and she is now on methadone and has never felt better. I pray your dad gets the same result!
    Happy Birthday to you! Doug doubled you today! I relayed your birthday wishes to him. Doug had a wonderful birthday. We went to a local pub with our best friends and kids and had a great dinner. Tamia made Doug a delicious chocolate cake. Doug has been sleeping a lot lately and I was afraid he would not be up for the celebration. Well, he rose to the occasion and had a great time! We stayed until the end of the 3rd period of the hockey game and made it home to see the Canucks win in overtime! Doug is a big Canuck fan. Now we look forward to the wedding on Saturday. Doug wonders what we are going to do after that! It will be my time to rest I tell him – lol. Like your dad, Doug is my hero and he never ceases to amaze me with what he has to go through. I love him more everyday.
    I try not to think of what lies ahead and enjoy what I have today.
    Again I pray that they find relief for your dad’s pain so he can enjoy his life again. Tell him we are thinking of him in Revelstoke. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Don’t know what to do #50164

    Andie, I was going to say the same as other Nancy – don’t take it personally. Your mom is going through natural grieving processes. Her getting angry and short with you and your husband is actually a good sign. She is moving out of grief and into anger, which is moving up in the grieving process. She is not really angry with you, she is angry with the situation and you are just there to target. I lost my dad at 18 and my mom and I had some rough times for awhile after that. It all smoothed over in the end and we looked at it much differently as time went by and then it brought us closer. Take the time to grieve yourself; take that holiday, your mom will understand in the long run. Hugs to you and your mom. Nancy

    in reply to: Back again after yet more problems #50122

    Hi Val, I do not know you yet but got a great introduction above. You are an inspiration! What a trooper! Sounds like you went throught the ringer recently and have come out the other end in better shape!
    Good news on the no recurrence of tumours. Keep it up girl!
    Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Mum just been diagnosed #48996

    Sending thoughts and prayers for success on Tuesday! Sounds like your mum has great doctors and is in great hands! Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: 4 Years and Counting! #49848

    This is what we like to hear! Great news Sue! Nancy

    in reply to: Stable #50094

    Jtoro, Stable is great! Lots of exciting things happening in your life right now with your son off to college. You are right when you say this would be difficult, sick or not. It is wonderful that he can come home often.
    Sounds like you have an amazing doctor and she believes in you!
    So, you are a teacher, then it is my guess that you haven’t quit teaching you are just not at the same work place every day!
    I’m interested in the 17 cycles of chemo. How many are they planning? Sounds like it’s doing the trick.
    Have a great day! Nancy

    in reply to: Ben’s “amazing” scans… #50026

    Hi Tom, Great news! We all love hearing good news stories, brings hope to us all. Go enjoy those jet skis and sunshine. Nancy

    in reply to: Dad Update and question… #49676

    Lainy, I love your sense of humour! Yes, can we get refunds on those tickets!? One day there will be a cure, we will all make sure of it, and therefore no more tickets for this ride. Thanks for always adding some much needed laughter to our darkest days. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Dad Update and question… #49675

    Oh my Jennifer, you have had a lot on your plate! You are a strong girl! I am so glad that your husbands results were fantastic! Sounds like the doctors are on top of it and they will keep him healthy. Love back at you! Nancy
    P.S. Sending positive thoughts to Herb.

    in reply to: Fulfox – has it worked for you? #49922

    Hi Jane, Sorry I do not have any information on Fulfox, but you are the 2nd person to ask in the last couple of days which I find interesting. Maybe it is something they are using more? Let us know what you find out about it. Wishing you and your mom success. Nancy

    in reply to: Dad Update and question… #49668

    Dear Jen, I know what you mean by how much it hurts to see our loved ones hurting. Life can be so hard and cruel, so we hang on to hope and love to get us through. I pray that they get your dad cleared of pain.
    Doug has ascites and it doesn’t pain him at all; it is not always painful, so I hope it’s not for Herb. My heart is with you and your family. Nancy

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