Category: Blog Post

Monthly Scientific Update – September 2022 (Precision Therapeutics for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma)

Kelly Butler, Dr. Reham Abdel-Wahab The traditional chemotherapies gemcitabine and cisplatin have several side effects and have been used to…

Monthly Scientific Update – September 2022 (Can bacteria help fight cancer?)

George Riddle, Dr. Reham Abdel-Wahab Bacteria live in our guts - in all of us. Some of them are good;…

2022 University of Chicago Regional Symposium

Join us for a day dedicated to the science of cholangiocarcinoma. The symposium includes presentations from University of Chicago clinicians…

3rd Annual Moving for the Cure Recap

Thank you to everyone who helped make TeamCCF's 3rd Annual Moving for the Cure (M4C) a success! Each M4C participant…

🤚🏻 Five for Friday – 5 Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Biomarker Testing + 2 Biomarker Stories

Home / Blog / [wpbb post:title] Knowing what to ask your doctor after a cholangiocarcinoma diagnosis isn't always easy. CCF…

Racing for Hope Journal Entry 19

So marathon 8 was not a fun run! If you watched my last recap, you know that Mandy's cancer is…

Long-Term Survivor Stories – Grace

It started as an itch. Thinking it was just dry skin, I began applying lotion more often. There was no…

Monthly Scientific Update – August 2022 (Preclinical Study Finds that Brusatol may Slow Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Growth)

Kelly Butler, Dr. Reham Abdel-Wahab Brusatol, a traditionally used Chinese herbal medicine, is currently being explored as a potential cancer…

Trials, Targeted Agents Often Lead to Financial Toxicity From CCA

Clinical trials and targeted agents do not appear to affect health care-related quality of life, however. July 27, 2022 --…

Racing for Hope Journal Entry 18

Mandy texted me the cancer is back...

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