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  • in reply to: MRI results…mixed bag #29461

    Hi Kris;
    I think it sounds positive if they are considering surgery. It sounds like you’ve got a great Dr. I’m sorry to hear you are having problems with the diarrhea again. I was having a real problem a couple of months ago (30 times in 14 hours one day) and the Dr I see for accupuncture had me start taking Guar Gum. It is a powder that is used as a thickening agent. I get it at the health food store and she now has me take 1 tsp a day. You have to mix it quick in water and take it because I found it starts to gel up real quick! It has helped and even though I am back on chemo as of Monday I have not gotten the diarrhea back yet. I can understand you being disapppointed wanting shrinkage, but if they do surgery they’ll remove it all so that’s even better!! Plus you have had the lymph node better and good news about blood vessels! I’m sending good thoughts your way and lots of prayers for even better news. God Bless,

    in reply to: Remaining hopeful during difficult times #29273

    Dear Danielle;
    I agree with Marion also. Ask questions and make sure you get an answer you understand. Ask them how can he go home if the nurses wont even let him get up? If he goes to a rehab hospital will they be working on getting him up and building up his strength so he can go home? Again Marion is right. You are only 1 woman and given the circumstances can’t do it all by yourself. I am also worried that he has bed sores. They need to be addressing those aggresively. You can get serious infections that can be life threatening with bed sores so they need to get those cleared up. Certainly not something I’d think you could handle at home by yourself. I find myself getting a little angry that the Drs and social workers have put you in this position without a lot of guidance as far as I’m concerned. Maybe talk to one of his nurses and see if they can suggest anything else or someone else to talk to. I’ll keep you both in my prayers and if there is anything I can do let me know. God Bless,

    in reply to: increasing appetite #29441

    Hi Walk;
    You might want to try adding some whey protein powder to the ensure. Since I havent been having much of an appetite lately I’ve started taking it again. You could add 1-2 scoops and mix it up well. It’ll add about 80-160 cal and it is a good source of easily digestible protein. My prayers are with you. Your Dad is blessed to have such a wonderful daughter. God Bless,


    Lady Bug;
    Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way. I too know what the anxiety can do with an upcoming scan. Last week I couldn’t sleep at all the night before my scan. We’re just going to pray and believe that Dave will have a clean scan. Take care and God Bless,

    in reply to: Taxotere next on the list #29404

    I’m sending all my good thoughts and prayers for you for the 23rd to bring good news. God Bless,

    in reply to: Taxotere next on the list #29402

    When is your next scan? What are your current meds? I just started back on Gemcitabine and Xeloda this week. I know what you mean about feeling wiped out. I can’t believe the change I feel just since last week. I’m having a hard time just getting myself up to get something to eat. I’m going to pray that there is no progression in your next scan, or better yet I’m gonna ask for some shrinkage! Gonna send good thoughts and prayers your way Lisa.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Bad news: More infection and blockage in stent. #29377

    I am so sory that your Dad is having to go through this. Just know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your Dad. I agree with Kris that chemo is hard on the body so it’s best to wait until he is stronger. My prayers are with you that he finally gets some relief from this infection.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Haven’t been here for awhile but need to talk #27593

    Dear Charlene;
    I can’t say I know what you are going through because I am the one with cc and have not lost a spouse. I can only offer my thoughts and prayers for you. I think everyone else had good advice and thoughts. I am heartbroken that your family has not been there for you. I agree that you should try and talk with them and let them know what is going on. You are not alone. I am in Minnesota and if you are anywhere close I’d be happy to give you an in-person hug. You are in my prayers.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: new member #28689

    Hi Eleanor,
    Glad to hear you are doing well. It is wonderful that you have the support of your daughter. Keep us posted how you are doing. God Bless,

    in reply to: Help! 2 opinions #29362

    Let me put my 2 cents in. I agree with everyone that you should get another opinion. I would question both Drs to have them explain their reason for their choice. After I had my resection a year ago I wanted to do 3-6 more months of chemo. The Dr at Mayo said he didnt recommend it. I ended up trying to take it anyway but didnt tolerate it very well due to low blood counts. Last dose was in August. I went back to see the first Oncologist I saw (non Mayo) and he wanted me on chemo. I ended up getting a third opinion in Dec and he said not to also. I ended up not doing anymore chemo and I just found out last week it is back and has spread to my lungs. So I guess my point is that sometimes we need to go with our gut feeling. Maybe it wouldn’t have made a difference in my case but I am still doubting my decision now. I was first told I was inoperable and they did an open and close surgery. I kept praying that maybe I could someday have a resection as I felt that was the best chance for longer survival. I still am grateful that I had the opportunity to have it. I’ve had a fairly good year and have been grateful for each day. I dont think I would still be here if I hadn’t had the resection. I am now going back to the other Dr for his opinion also. So my feeling would be to get several opinions, make sure you get an explanation for what they recommend, for me I pray about it, listen to your own instinct and then make a decision. Best wishes and God Bless,

    in reply to: Sorry I haven’t written in a while #25799

    I understand the anxiety that you are experiencing. I was feeling it last week just waiting to get a scan. I knew I would get the results the same day but the wait to get the scan was awful. I will pray that you get good results. As Kris said, if there is something then it doesn’t mean the end.. it just means another battle in this war. My scan wasn’t good and the cc has returned with a vengence but I am not giving up. We all need to fight this monster so that one day they can find a cure. God Bless,

    in reply to: Need advice #29339

    I had a resection in June 08 . I was just told last week that my cc had returned and mets to lung and new tumor in liver. I was offered 3 options, do nothing and scan again in 2 months, do one of 2 drugs I was on before (Xeloda and Gemcitabine), or take both again. I asked about radiation, surgery and other options and was told no. I am being treated at Mayo in Minnesota. I opted to take both drugs. I am going to go back to another oncologist that I had seen before to get his opinion as soon as I can get in. I would be happy to share any info I get on options that I learn. I also use a variety of supplements/alternative therapies. I am meeting with the Dr I see for accupuncture/chiropracter next Wed to go over alternative options. If I can help in anyway please let me know. Feel free to email me. God Bless,

    in reply to: bad news as always #29321

    Hi Deb,
    I am so sorry to hear that your Dad is having such a rough time. He is very blessed to have such a wonderful daughter. Don’t forget to take care of yourself along this journey. You said you had to take care of your animals. What kinds do you have? I have horses and dogs and cats and they can bring me alot of comfort. I just got bad news this week and that night I went out to the barn and talked and cried with my horses. It is amazing sometimes how they react. It’s like they know I need a little TLC. I know what you mean about the cancer being quick. I had a clear scan 3 1/2 months ago and now it is in both lungs and a 2cm tumor in my liver. I can’t believe it. I think we’d all agree this cancer is a monster. I will keep your Dad and you in my prayers. I hope thay can make him more comfortable and that you get some good news today. God Bless,

    in reply to: MD Anderson Cancer Center patients? #28438

    Hi Violarob;
    I was wondering if you could share your protocol with me and history? I just got the news that the cc has returned with a vengence and am looking for some hope. I was diagnosed in Oct 07 and started on Xeloda and Gemczar. The tumor shrank from 15cm to less than 5 and a secondary tumor I had on the colon shrunk and the lymph nodes stopped lighting up. They ended up doing a resection June08 and removed 65% liver, gall bladder, and the tumor near the colon that was encapsulated and another near the duodenum(also encapsulated). Had clear scans until yesterday. Now have mets in both lungs and a 2cm tumor in liver at the resection site. Mayo isn’t offering much hope. I am 52 and need to be around for my kids as long as possible. I live in Minnesota. If you want to email me that would be fine. Thanks for any help, I really appreciate it. God Bless,


    in reply to: Not a good scan #29311

    Thank you so much for your responses. It sure has been a long 18 hours. I left a message for my oncologist that I want to start back on both drugs NOW. Hopefully I can get in tomorrow or Monday. I am also planning on getting a copy of the scan so I can go back to one of the other oncologists I’ve seen in the past and get his opinion. I ended up not getting treatment from him because I chose Mayo and he thought that would increase chance of a clinical trial, but I have continued to keep him updated. He was the only one I saw that wanted me to stay on chemo after the resection. Hindsight. But I had a fairly good 9 months off chemo so I am grateful for that. I still feel that “run over by a truck” shock feeling. I think it’s almost harder this time than when I was first diagnosed. Still feeling a little weepy but starting to get my act together. How many times have I told people that Drs dont know everything. I remember telling one oncologist that he may be a Dr but God was my healer. He’s not one I still see! Thanks for reminding me I need to fight. I’ve said all along that I was going to go down swinging, that I wouldnt make it easy for this monster cc to win. Pam, I actually found myself laughing when I read your post about the Dr getting hit by a beer truck! Lisa, I feel we are soul sisters in very similar places in our lives. Danielle, how kind of you to write me when I know you are dealing with so much right now. It’s getting to be quite a long post so I better stop, but please know that each and everyone of you has touched my heart by taking the time out of your day to share your thoughts and prayers with me. Thanks again and God Bless,

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