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  • in reply to: Had enough #40007

    Condolences to Barbara’s family and friends. I am so sorry to hear of her passing.

    Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

    in reply to: First Hospice Visit #40735

    You and Teddy remain in my prayers. I hope that this works out for you both.

    in reply to: Long term survivor with cc #23907

    I’m in the Seattle area, too.

    I was diagnosed three years ago. Just saw my GI doc today and he says I’m doing “remarkably well”. So there is hope!

    in reply to: Shooting pain in right side #40663

    So the pain in the right side went away. Like Marion said, not all things are related to cancer.

    It’s just the first place our minds go to to explain unusual occurances.

    in reply to: Christopher Hitchens #40718

    It will be interesting to see how this plays out in his life, as he is an avowed atheist.

    As the saying goes, “there are no atheists in foxholes”. I’d like to add that there are precious few atheists in cancer wards.

    in reply to: GOOD Morning CC Family, we are Baaaaaack! #40669

    Lainy and Teddy, I am so glad you enjoyed your vacation. I can’t imagine the emotions that you both have gone through. I keep you both in my prayers every night and love you both so much.

    in reply to: Ohhh Nooooo! #40328

    When I was in the hospital a month ago, I had a student nurse taking care of me. She was a sweet little thing, and it was her first day on the job.

    Apparently she got freaked out because my pee was dark brown.


    in reply to: Dad’s success #40320

    Yea! Thank you for sharing the good news.

    in reply to: The bright side of cancer #39508

    Early this month I was hospitalized with jaundice and I was glowing orange with yellow eyes. I was getting ready to mock my skin tone with my new nurse. She walks in and (due to the tanning booth) she was as orange as I was!

    I kind of snickered, but didn’t say anything. At least I didn’t have to pay for my orange skin tone.

    in reply to: COBRA Extension Bill introduced in Congress #38728

    It’s a disgrace that we have to try and figure out what the he*l to do about our insurance when COBRA runs out and we are on disability but ineligible for Medicaid until our full 24 months of disability.

    I’m applying for a new plan and expect to be turned down, then I will apply for the state-sponsored plan for high risk cases. Unfortunately, that comes with a deductible that will have to be met AGAIN so I’ll be paying about 5K just in deductibles. CANCER SUCKS!

    EDIT: I didn’t understand it before, but the 24 month countdown starts when you begin receiving SS benefits. So for me it will be September 2011.

    I’m screwed.

    Does anyone know a nice single man who would marry me so I can get insurance coverage? I’m kind of kidding.

    in reply to: I was diagnosed with CC #40294

    I am planning on discussing theraspheres with my oncologist on Monday. Thanks for the info, Rick.

    in reply to: My turn for bad news – chemo didn’t work #39733

    Hi Linda, I’ve had lung mets for about 18 months now. The oncologist is not doing anything to specifically target them. We are just treating the cancer as a whole.

    Hopefully you can find something that works for you.


    I just lost 15 pounds in one week due to a hospital stay and low appetite.

    BTW – I hate steroids, too!

    in reply to: My turn for bad news – chemo didn’t work #39730

    Sorry about your news, Linda.

    I am one of those who has lung mets. They haven’t bothered me at all as of yet. I have a least 2 lung tumors, one 1 cm and one 2 cm, with plenty of “stars” or spots of cancer.

    in reply to: Causes? #39662

    I’m voting with bad luck. Never smoked, occasional drinker (@ hockey games), no GI problems, excercised my whole life (soccer, skiing, walking, biking).

    I wasn’t a vegetarian, but had a normal, probably higher-fat diet.

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