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    I hate that our beloved caretakers and family have to suffer while we fight this terrible disease.


    Irene – I’m so with you on those two pet peeves.

    “You look good” – right now I am orange and hairy.

    in reply to: From Vegas To Cancer #38304

    Steve & Nancy,
    I’m 47 and was diagnosed nearly 3 years ago with a Klatskin tumor. In March 08 I had unsucessfull resection attempt. I’ve been in and out of the hosptial a few times with blood infections. I’ve had about 5 different forms of chemo. I’m at stage 4 with mets to the lungs.

    Ok, that’s the bad news.

    The good news is that I’m still here. My youngest daughter just graduated from high school. All three of my kids will be in college this fall. I am feeling great – that is as good as I possibly can with cancer. Don’t give up! I feel that I have years left, God willing. I’m not giving up and neither should you. The good thing is that Nancy is still relatively young. That helps when fighting this cancer. We like to say that no one has an expiration date stamped on their butt. So keep the faith! You have a lot to live for.

    in reply to: My psychologists take on cc #39294

    “However, after diagnosis “a plan” is put in place and usually with very good results.”

    This is also why it is so hard for our friends and family to relate to our situation. The good results part. So many cancers are treatable when caught early that they don’t understand why we are in perpetual treatment. Or why some of us (me) are a little cynical about breast cancer awareness.

    I think I need to talk to your psychologist, Kris.

    in reply to: “Ignorance is bliss” dinner #39346

    I didn’t have any serious side effects with Xeloda except for acne and I got fat.

    in reply to: Any connection with stroke? #39305

    Sorry to hear about the stroke. My doc was very concerned with me today when I said that I had an episode of blurred vision yesterday. It was like looking through a shimmering waterfall on my left side. We are hoping it was not a mini-stroke but since it went away with no side effects we’re hoping that it was perhaps a migraine coming on.

    Hoping for the best for your mom.

    in reply to: “Ignorance is bliss” dinner #39342

    Suzanne, I am wishing you all the best. You just never know with this cancer. It affects each of us so differently it is like each of us has a different disease.

    in reply to: A question from my sister #39250

    Hi Julia – I hate to talk about my health and cancer, too! It bores me to talk about it, so I figure it bores other people as well.

    Glad your sis had a good time.

    in reply to: A question from my sister #39244

    Like Betsy, I take online classes on whatever interests me. You would be amazed at the free stuff that is out there. I also like to go to Barnes & Noble, write down books that I want to get, then order them from my library.

    My problem is that I get lazy at home and it is hard to beat that inertia and just get out there and do something. But I’m always glad that I did, whether it is go to the beach or go to church or Bible Study.

    After one year of being on disability, I miss my job tremendously. I miss the people and the intellectual challenge. So it is important to find friends to meet with and things to do that will make up for the work I can’t do anymore. When I am absolutely sick from chemo and can’t get out there, I enjoy watching my favorite shows on my (son’s) 42″ HDTV. Naps are good, too. Never underestimate the power of a nap.

    in reply to: Finishing up chemo radiation #39281

    Kris, I hope you enjoy your summer break. I can’t think of anyone who deserves it more. And it is great how we can share information on this site. I’m running out of tools in the toolbox, so it is good to know that I can come here and see what is working for other people.

    in reply to: Loosing that fighting feeling! #39046

    Hi Rick, I am a firm believer in prayer and have had many prayers coming my way over the last nearly three years. I think that prayer and faith in God is what has sustained me in relative health since Aug 07. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.


    Dear Isis,
    Please, please, for your sake and the sake of your family, find someone to talk to! You need to vent. You need help. This is the probably the most devastating thing that will ever happen to you and no one would expect you to do it all by yourself.

    in reply to: Aunt Sophie #38483

    Dear Hollie,
    Your Aunt is a such a special person, that even though she wasn’t on this board very much, she made a huge impression with her sweetness and kindness. I hope very much that she can be made as comfortable as possible, and that you and your mom will be able to see her soon. I pray for her every night. We love you both bunches.

    God bless you,


    I hate being cranky to people “raising awareness of” breast cancer. Hello. We all know about breast cancer. Really.

    I can’t seem to help myself being rude and cranky to those people. I am not a rude and cranky person. But all the attention and money is focused on one type of cancer and it just doesn’t seem fair.

    in reply to: Loosing that fighting feeling! #39036

    Rick, I know what you mean. It is so hard to keep on fighting when you are exhausted and sick and just want to be better. I don’t know what to say but God bless you.

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