Logo Request Form

The logo request procedure is intended to ensure that the integrity of the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation (CCF) logo is respected and maintained, and to avoid misrepresentation of the Foundation and its visual image.

Please complete all sections of the logo request form and make sure that the intended use or uses of the logo are clearly stated.

CCF’s Communications Department will review your request and, if approved, will supply the logos as electronic files in the language and format requested.

All materials incorporating CCF logos supplied must be submitted to the Communications Department  Director of Creative Services (rick@cholangiocarcinoma.org) before production begins to ensure the logo is correctly used and the terms of the request have been maintained. Artwork may be forwarded electronically as JPG or PDF files.

CCF will make every effort to ensure that logo requests are evaluated, and logos supplied within 48 hours of requests being received. CCF is a non-profit organization and use of its logo will not be authorized for commercial purposes.

The CCF logotype must always be reproduced from a digital master reference, available from the Communications Division Graphic Design Director. Please be sure to use the appropriate artwork format.

Logo requests will only be accepted if submitted using the online form.